Fęrsluflokkur: Kvikmyndir
29.7.2013 | 17:42
Drunginn ķ ašalhlutverki
Žaš er įkaflega ķslensk aš hefja višręšurnar į aš tala um vešriš og žvķ er ég ekki hissa į aš Ben Stiller og Russel Crowe hafi einmitt gert žaš. - En mér er sagt aš Ben hafi lķka hitt Russel žear sį sķšarnefndi hélt impromptu tónleika fyrir gesti og gangandi į Kex ķ fyrrasumar. Kannski hafa žeir talaš žar saman um fleira en vešriš.
Kvikmyndir teknar į Ķslandi, eiga stóran žįtt ķ mikilli aukningu feršamanna til landsins. Fólk vill sjį meira af žessari sérstöku nįttśru sem skapa bakgrunninn fyrir ęvintżri eins og Prometheus, Oblivion, Noah og Thor ll, The dark World og Star Treck, Into Darkness. Svo eru žaš vitanlega Game of Thrones žęttirnir sem notast viš ķslenska vetrarlandslagiš til aš koma til skila lķfi noršan mśrsins mikla.
Um žaš sem komiš er ašeins gott eitt aš segja.
En allir leikarar kannast viš žaš vandamįl aš verša žekktir fyrir įkvešna tegund af hlutverkum,og sķšan ašeins bošiš aš leika slķk, jafnvel žótt žeir séu full fęrir um mjög fjölbreytta tjįningu og mismunandi hlutverk.
Svo viršist sem ķslensk nįttśra eigi į hęttu aš vera ętķš sett ķ svipuš hlutverk, mišaš viš žęr stórmyndir sem hér hafa veriš geršar į undanförnum misserum. Ef žig vantar ójaršneskt landsslag eša aušnir eftir aš mannkyninu hefur veriš svo til eytt, er Ķsland landiš. Aušnir og ķs eru ķ ašalhlutverkum og halda mętti aš į Ķslandi sé ekki stingandi strį aš finna. Ķslensk nįttśra bżšur vitaskuld upp į afar ólķk og mismunandi hlutverk. Vonandi kveikja erlendu leikstjórarnir į žvķ įšur en ķmynd landsins veršur föst viš drungalegustu hlišar žess.
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Stiller hitti Crowe į Reykjavķkurflugvelli |
Tilkynna um óvišeigandi tengingu viš frétt |
21.12.2011 | 21:40
Nasistar leita helgra dóma į Ķslandi
Hvorki George Lucas eša Steven Spielberg, höfundar Indiana Jones kvikmyndarinnar Raiders of the Lost Ark, hafa nokkru sinni višurkennt aš Idiana Jones ętti sér fyrirmynd ķ veruleikanum.
Samt er nokkuš augljóst aš hugmyndin aš sögunni sem sögš er ķ myndinni er byggš į žeirri stašreynd aš Nasistar sóttust į sķnum tķma mjög eftir aš kynna sér og komast yfir, leynda dóma sem arfsagnir fyrri tķma fullyrtu aš vęru til.
Margir hafa einnig oršiš til aš bera saman, fornleifafręšinginn spręka og söguhetjuna Indiana, viš Otto Rahn, žżskan mišaldafręšing og ęvintżramann sem į fjórša tug sķšustu aldar tók žįtt ķ nokkrum leišöngrum į vegum žrišja rķkisins ķ leit aš tżndum helgidómum.
Otto var fęddur 18. febrśar 1904 ķ litlum žżskum bę sem heitir Michelstadt ķ sušur Žżskalandi. Hann varš snemma einręnn ķ skapi og dógst mjög aš öllu dulręnu og leyndardómsfullu ķ bókum og sögum žess tķma.
Eins og kunnugt er hafši Heinrich Himmler mikinn įhuga į duldum dómum, einkum žeim sem sagšir voru tengjast "hinum hreina kynstofni" į einhvern hįtt og hann taldi styšja gošsögnina um yfirburši arķska kynstofnsins.
Žśsund įra rķkiš žurfti aš eiga sögu og bśa žurfti žvķ til eša fį lįnaša sagna-arfleifš sem žaš gęti tileinkaš sér. - Himler stofnaši sérstaka deild innan SS (Ahnenerbe Forschungs und Lehrgemeinschaft) sem var helguš žessu verkefni en yfirmašur deildarinnar var austurrķskur ašalsmašur aš nafni Karl Maria Wiligut.
Karl Maria sem gekk einnig undir leyninöfnunum Weisthor, Jarl Widar og Lobesam, var einn skrautlegasti og um leiš skuggalegasti einstaklingurinn ķ slekti Himlers. Hann taldi sig vera "konung Žżskalands ķ leynum" en var einnig greindur meš alvarlegar geštruflanir ķ Austurrķki žašan sem hann var ęttašur, įšur en hann gekk ķ žjónustu SS sveitanna. Sem um margt fróšur yfirkuklari žrišja rķkisins, įtti hann žįtt ķ aš įkveša tįknmyndir žess og merki.
Įriš 1934 gaf Otto Rahn śt bókina Kreuzzug gegen den Gral (Krossferš gegn hinum heilaga kaleik) žar sem hann rakti nišurstöšur sķnar af rannsóknum sem hann hafši framkvęmt ķ landi Kažara ķ Frakklandi į įrunum 1931-2. Ķ bókinni rennir hann stošum undir žį skošun sķna aš tengsl séu į milli hins kristna sértrśarhóps Kažara og hinna keltnesku Drśķda sem gengu til lišs viš kristna trś žegar hśn barst til miš-Evrópu.
Otto taldi Kažara hafa haft undir höndum og varšveitt hinn heilaga kaleik, sem lęknaš gęti hvert mein og veitt mönnum eilķft lķf.
Kažörum sem var aš mestu śtrżmt snemma į 13. öld fyrir tilstilli pįfagaršs, hafši tekist aš koma dżrgripnum undan į sķšustu stundu og eftir žaš hafi hann horfiš sjónum manna.
Efni bókar Otto féll vel aš dulspeki-samsušu og gervi-sagnfręši Karls Maria og Heinrich Himmlers og Otto var bošiš aš ganga til lišs viš žį sérdeild SS sveitanna sem Willigut stżrši.
Mešal dulhyggju og gušspeki įhangenda ķ Evrópu į žessum tķma, var žvķ haldiš mjög į lofti aš enn vęru til samfélög manna žar sem gömul andleg žekking hefši varšveist ķ gömlum hefšum of fólkiš lifši hreinu og ómengušu lķfi ķ samręmi viš hina fornu dularlögmįl.
Hvaš austurlenska speki varšaši var einkum litiš til Tķbet ķ žessu sambandi. En žegar kom aš germanskri dulspeki-arfleyfš var fyrirheitna landiš Ķsland, hiš leyndardómsfulla Žśle, heimkynni norręnna rśna og visku Eddanna beggja.
Til aš rannsaka betur hinu ósnortnu menningu Arķanna ķ noršri, įkvaš Himmler aš gera śt leišangur til Ķslands. Įriš 1936 komu 20 SS lišar til landsins undir forrystu Josias krónprins af Waldeck-Pyrmont. Mešal žeirra var Otto Rahn. Skip žeirra sigldi undir blįum hakakrossi, ķ staš žess svarta sem venjulega var notašur. Engar konur voru meš ķ feršinni og feršaįętlunin öll afar lauslega skilgreind ķ öllum skjölum.
Įri seinna gaf Rahn śt bókina Luzifers Hofgesind (Hirš Lśsķfers) žar sem m.a. feršasögu hans til Ķslands er aš finna. Ljóst er aš Otto Rahn, jafnt sem ašrir sem ķ hópnum voru, uršu fyrir miklum vonbrigšum meš bęši land og žjóš.
Lįgreist sveitamenning fjórša įratugarins į Ķslandi rķmaši illa viš hįleitar hugmyndir žeirra um germanska/norręna hįmenningu žar sem leynda dóma var aš finna viš hvert fótmįl og ljóshęršir sveinar meš hį enni stóšu keikir ķ skógi vöxnum fjallshlķšunum meš exi um öxl og skimušu sjóndeildarhringinn.
Og stemmningin į uppgangtķmum fiskveiša og fiskvinnslu į slorugum bryggjum sjįvaržorpa landsins minntu meira į gullgrafarabęi Noršur Amerķku en fróma og skįldlega frumbyggjabęi, žar sem ęsir og voru tilbešnir ķ hįreistum hofum.
Enn ekki gįtu SS lišar snśiš til baka frį Ķslandi algjörlega tómhentir Žvķ ekkert fannst markvert į Laugarvatni eša ķ Reykholti. Žvķ var įkvešiš aš fundist hefši heišiš hof meš blótstalli austur ķ Eyjafjallasveit. -
Vķst er aš leišangur Josias til Ķslands olli Himmler miklum vonbrigšum og ekkert varš af įformum hans um annan leišangur til landsins įriš eftir.
Įriš 1937 var Otto Rahn gert aš žjóna sem vöršur viš śtrżmingarbśširnar Dachau. Į žeim tķma voru ķ bśšunum ašallega pólitķskir fangar. En žaš įtti eftir aš breytast eftir kristalnóttina fręgu 9-10 nóvember 1938.
Sumir vilja meina aš meš žvķ hafi SS veriš aš refsa Otto fyrir aš vera opinberlega samkynhneigšur. Vķst er aš honum lķkaši vistin illa og sama įr sótti hann oft um lausn śr SS sveitunum og fékk hana loks samžykkta.
Endalok Otto Rahn uršu meš all dularfullum hętti. Žann 13 mars 1939 fannst lķk hans ķ fjallshlķš nįlęgt Söll ķ Austurrķki. Dįnarorsökin var sögš sjįlfsvķg. Til žess er tekiš aš dįnardęgur hans bar upp į sama dag og Montségur, hiš fręga virki Kažara ķ Frakklandi féll įriš 1244 eftir umsįtur hermenna pįfagaršs.
Kvikmyndir | Breytt 11.1.2021 kl. 18:32 | Slóš | Facebook | Athugasemdir (2)
20.11.2011 | 12:15
Alvöru hippastelpa
Goldie Hawn lį lengi undir grun og įmęli fyrir aš vera gervi-hippi. Og einhverjir fussušu mikiš žegar aš Hippa-Barbķ ķ hennar ķmynd var sett į markašinn. Žeir sögšu aš hśn vęri ķ mesta lagi sunnudagahippi eša žį bara sjónvarpshippi. Nś stašfestir hinsvegar herra sśr, Bill Hudson, ex nśmer tvö, aš hśn hafi hagaš sér ķ einu og öllu eins og alvöru hippastelpa.
Hann nefnir hegšun hennar einhverjum nöfnum sem ķ dag kunna aš hljóma neikvętt. En žaš mį alveg fęra rök fyrir žvķ aš öll jašarmenningin sem kennd er viš hippa į įttunda įratugnum, hafi einmitt einkennst af sjįlfhverfu og kynlķfssżki.
Goldie Hawn er annars flott leikkona og lék ķ einni af uppįhalds grķnmyndunum mķnum, Private Benjamin. Takk fyrir žaš Goldie.
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Kallar Hawn sjįlfhverfa og kynlķfssjśka |
Tilkynna um óvišeigandi tengingu viš frétt |
18.11.2011 | 17:34
Gögnin sem uršu til aš mįliš var tekiš aftur upp
Ķ september 2009 kom śt bókin "Goodbye Natalie, Goodbye Splendour". Hśn er eftir Marti Rulli og Margaret Rulli ķ samvinnu viš Dennis Davern, skipstjóra snekkjunnar Splendour sem var ķ eigu Robert Wagner, eiginmanns Natalie Wood. Žau hjónin voru um borš ķ henni įsamt leikaranum Christopher Walken nóttina sem Natalie drukknaši.
Ķ bókinni lżsir Dennis atburšum nęturinnar öšruvķsi en opinber gögn segja til um. - Bókin hlaut įgętar vištökur į sķnum tķma, en ķ žessum mįnuši žegar ber upp į rétt žrjįtķu įr eftir dauša leikkonunnar, sjį höfundarnir sér aftur leik į borši og hafa afhent lögreglunni "gögn" sem styšja frįsögn žeirra ķ bókinni žar sem miklar efasemdir koma fram um aš dauši leikkonunnar hafi veriš slys.
Nś er sem sagt įkvešiš aš taka mįliš upp aš nżju į grundvelli žessara gagna. Į morgun veršur haldin blašamannafundur ķ LA og žį mun koma ķ ljós hvers vegna yfirvöld hafa įkvešiš aštaka mįliš upp aš nżju.
Óneitanlega er žetta frįbęr auglżsing fyrir Dennis og félaga og bókina žeirra Goodbye Natalie, Goodbye Splendour, enda rķkur hśn śt nśna hvar sem hśn er fįanleg.
Fyrir žį sem įhuga hafa į mįlinu en nenna ekki aš lesa alla bókina eru hér aš nešan aš finna gögnin sem bókarhöfundar sendu inn til yfirvalda.Marti Rulli Statement Submitted With Public Petition to LACSD:
I, Margaret Rulli, a citizen of the USA in New Jersey, residing at hereby state as follows: 1. I make this declaration for the purpose of inducing the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department to re-investigate the facts and circumstances surrounding the death of Natalie Wood on November 29, 1981 and to re-open the case for appropriate action as warranted. 2. Relevant facts include:
Natalie Woods scarcely investigated death will continue to inflame controversy until a full-scale professional evaluation is completed. Goodbye Natalie, Goodbye Splendour (GNGS), the book I authored with the former Splendour Captain, Dennis Davern, has answered the persistent curiosity of many readers, but information continues to surface, emphasizing the dire need for a full scale, official investigation.
Marilyn Wayne, the only witness to hear Natalies cries for helpa vital witness ignored by authoritieshas offered to publicly submit to a polygraph test to validate her account. Lead detective Rasure has always belittled Wayne for her adamant claim that Wood was in the water just minutes after 11 P.M. Waynes account is consistent with Daverns account, yet these two crucial witnesses, both willing to undergo professional polygraph testing, continue to be discounted and their motives questioned. Robert Wagners book, Pieces of My Heart only briefly addressed the weekend of his wifes deathhis account differed from the various versions he has told over the years. And how credible is he? Authorities should inquire, as justice for Natalie Wood remains unserved.Here are the top five reasons to reopen the Natalie Wood case which are published in an epilogue in GNGS:
1. The three survivors aboard SplendourRobert Wagner, Christopher Walken, and Dennis Davernlied to authorities when briefly questioned on the morning of November 29, 1981. Davern, however, witnessed the circumstances leading to Woods disappearing from the yacht and has since passed a certified polygraph test indicating that Robert Wagner was with Natalie Wood, arguing on the back deck of the yacht with her when she went missing
. Wagner, decades later, admitted there was an argument during which he angrily smashed a wine bottle less than an hour before Natalie "went missing." The now unrefuted arguing and violence that took place conflicts with Wagners and Walkens initial accounts of "a pleasant weekend" aboard Splendour. Wagner, Walken, and Davern were not further interrogated. Nor were they physically checked for bruising or other signs of struggle to rule out their culpability for the more than two dozen bruises on Woods body.2. No effort was made to determine how Wood received dozens of wounds, scratches, and bruises or to determine how and why she left the yacht in her nightgown. Chief Coroner Thomas Noguchi was fired for wanting to dig deeper into the case. The case was closed quickly and prematurely to avoid media attention. Although Woods bruises are consistent with classic domestic physical abuse, only theories and speculation were offered to explain them.
3. There was a drastic delay in calling for help from aboard Splendour. Wagner and/or Davern were fully aware of Natalies absence from approximately 11:05 P.M., yet a ship-to-shore call was not placed until 1:30 A.M., and the Coast Guard was not called until 3:30 A.M., a flagrant violation of maritime protocol. This unacceptable delay in reporting a person missing from a yacht was never officially examined. 4. The "banging-dinghy theory" (what has become the unofficial explanation for Woods death) is easily proven unfounded. The dinghy was tied securely behind the stern, not on the port side, as Wagner claimed, with two lines, making it virtually impossible for it to float away when its lines were being adjusted. Someone untied both lines, an unlikely procedure for "securing a dinghy." Wagner, in promoting this scenario, conveniently omitted the fact that the dinghys ropes are reached from the transomit is completely unnecessary to step down to the swim step to adjust them. Instead, he wants people to believe that his wife, a woman deathly afraid of water, stepped from the safety of the transom onto the swim step to wrestle the dinghys ropes. There was no official effort to determine how, when, and by whom Splendours dinghy was released. Instead, the scene onboard Splendour was compromised. The dinghy was handled after being found, and detectives left Splendour under the watch of the island restaurant owner who allowed himself and an employee to enter and use Splendour while it should have been a sealed-off crime scene until determined otherwise.5. Key witnesses were ignored by case detectives. Marilyn Wayne, moored next to Splendour, offered information crucial to establishing a timeline that was never officially composed. Wayne was never interviewed by authorities even after phoning to offer her account. Roger Smith, the Coast Guard lieutenant who retrieved Woods body, was never interviewed. He became a threat to exposing facts, so he was quickly transferred and demoted.
My amateur investigation detailed in GNGS suggests Wood likely lived for many hours throughout her last night, floating in the ocean. Simple experiments prove that its likely Natalie Wood lived for many hours while her husband refused to search for her, call for professional help, or to allow his boat employee, Dennis Davern, to perform proper procedures for a person missing from a boat. Coast Guard Captain, Roger Smith, is willing and eager to come forward with his professional opinion to confirm this belief. He claims Wood probably died shortly before she was found. He is an expert in drowning rescue and recovery and offers many plausible reasons for his beliefs.
Smith tried to call both public and professional attention to the facts pertaining to the night Wood died but was ignored and was never interviewed by authorities. He has suffered bouts of depression over Woods death and has always hoped for the opportunity to publicly release his story.
The medical examiners office failed in their medical investigation of Woods death as well. Coroner Noguchi claimed Natalies jacket weighed her down in the water, causing a probable quick death. Not so. Down coats float a person in water, and have been known as life preservers for others caught in that situation. Natalie lived in the ocean that night while Wagner refused to make any attempt to save her. Also, Noguchis explanation for bruises is questionable. Had Natalie tried to mount a dinghy for hours, she could not have been found wearing wool socks: the socks would have come off her feet.
Daverns testimony claims Wood and the dinghy were never together that night, that Natalie went overboard during an argument with her husband, an argument that sounded physical, one likely to cause bruises. But the three surviving men of the cruise were not checked for possible corresponding bruises.
There are so many holes in the final 1981 Wood case, and the case had been closed within days. This woman, even 30 years later, still deserves her justice. I implore the Los Angeles County Sheriffs department to give this woman, legendary actress, mother of two, her fair opportunity for justice with a THOROUGH investigation, the type of investigation she had deserved since the day of her untimely death.
Signed by Margaret Rulli 2011
Dennis Davern Statement Submitted With Public Petition to LACSD:
I, Dennis Davern, a citizen of the USA in Florida hereby state as follows: 1. I make this declaration for the purpose of inducing the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department to re-investigate the facts and circumstances surrounding the death of Natalie Wood on November 29, 1981 and to re-open the case for appropriate action as warranted. 2. Relevant facts include:
On November 29, 1981, while Natalie Wood was missing from her family yacht, Splendour, (of which I operated and maintained as an employee of the Wagners) her husband, actor Robert Wagner, instructed me to never offer any details in reference to the circumstances surrounding Natalie Woods disappearance from the yacht on the night of November 28, 1981. Robert Wagner informed me he would hire an attorney who would handle my statement about Natalie Woods disappearance and drowning, which he did before Natalie Woods funeral, and I signed a statement the appointed attorney drafted, one completely void of the facts surrounding Natalie Woods disappearance.I did not lie to anyone, including the authorities or the attorney. I simply obeyed what was asked of me and offered no details. The attorney and the authorities on the Natalie Wood case asked only a few questions of me, none pertinent to the true reason Natalie Wood left the yacht both on Friday and Saturday nights, Nov. 27 and Nov. 28, 1981.
The theory that was offered to the media and public is that Natalie Wood probably donned her jacket to go out onto the rear deck of the yacht, in the rain and chilly weather, to adjust a "banging dinghy" which was possibly disturbing her sleep. This theory was perpetuated by Robert Wagner himself.
The facts, never revealed to the authorities (and hardly pursued by the authorities) are:
- The yacht outing began on Friday, Novenber 27, 1981 around noon with passengers Robert Wagner, Natalie Wood, Christopher Walken, and myself, caretaker and skipper of the Wagner yacht, Splendour, a 60 ft. sport fisherman boat with 13 ft. dinghy.
- A tense atmosphere prevailed from the start of the cruise, and it was made clear to me by Robert Wagner that he was not content entertaining his wifes Brainstorm co-star, Christopher Walken, aboard this cruise to Catalina Island. As the day progressed, the tension thickened and I offered Christopher Walken, Natalie Wood and Robert Wagner each a pill (Quaalude) which we all took. I stayed behind while the three shopped and dined in Avalon and we had a late dinner I prepared that evening. Near 10:30 PM, Friday, Robert Wagner said he wanted to move the 60 ft. yacht 12 miles away to the quiet, more desolate part of the Island at the Isthmus (Two Harbors). Natalie Wood argued that it was not safe in the rainy, dark night to make the move. Robert Wagner, appearing drunk, insisted on the move and started to prepare for it. Natalie Wood demanded to leave the boat, so I left with her and we spent Friday night at the Pavilion Lodge in the same hotel room. She expressed her anger over her husbands behavior, and said she was going to leave the Island come Saturday morning.
- Natalie Wood could not reach anyone on the Mainland Saturday morning and when told there were no seaplanes available, decided to return to the Splendour. I attempted to talk her out of that choice in an effort to avoid more problems aboard the yacht, but she insisted we return to the yacht. After Natalie Wood cooked breakfast, the yacht was moved to the Isthmus. After mooring there, Natalie Wood and Christopher Walken went to the restaurant and Robert Wagner and I stayed behind aboard the yacht. I repeatedly asked Robert Wagner to cancel the outing, to return to the Mainland, but he insisted "Natalie would get her wish fulfilled, a full weekend outing with her co-star." Robert Wagners tone sounded revengeful as well as ominous.
- Robert Wagner and I joined Natalie Wood and Christopher Walken for dinner at Dougs. After drinking at the bar for an hour, we were seated in the dining room at approximately 7:00 PM. Christopher Walken and I returned to the Splendour to retrieve wine, two bottles of Soave Bolla. We left one bottle in the dinghy and took one bottle back to the table. Christopher Walken had offered marijuana and he and I smoked a joint on this brief mission to get wine.
- The mood was tense when we returned to the dinner table at Dougs. After dinner we all had a few alcohol drinks, and Robert Wagner continued insisting we leave to return to SpIendour but Natalie Wood stated she preferred socializing longer in the restaurant. We left Dougs near 10:15 PM. The headlight on the dinghy was broken, and we had to navigate back to the Splendour with a flashlight.
- After Christopher Walken, Robert Wagner, Natalie Wood, and myself boarded the Splendour, I tied the yachts dinghy at the rear of the yacht with two lines, fixing the dinghy lines to two cleats approximately 12 feet apart on the rear wall of the yacht. This was approximately 10:30 PM.- I then proceeded to the main salon of the yacht where Christopher Walken, Robert Wagner and Natalie Wood had already gathered. A bottle of wine was opened after Natalie Wood lit candles. Shortly after a conversation began between Natalie Wood and Christopher Walken, Robert Wagner grabbed the open wine bottle and with rage crashed it upon the coffee table and screamed out to Christopher Walken, "Do you want to fuck my wife, is that what you want?" The glass shattered throughout the salon. We did not clean-up the broken glass.
- After the bottle smashing, Christopher Walken retreated to his cabin forward and closed the cabin door. He remained there until morning. Natalie Wood was mortified and went immediately to the master stateroom which is a full length room at the rear of yacht with doors that lead to the rear deck. Robert Wagner followed her within minutes, and then a terrible argument proceeded. I knocked on their stateroom door from the main salon to try to calm the situation. Robert Wagner answered to tell me to go away and to not interfere. I went to the bridge, directly above the Wagner master stateroom.
- The loud arguing continued and I heard things (objects, possibly people) hitting the walls and things being thrown at the ceiling of the master stateroom, directly beneath my where I stood. Next, Robert Wagner and Natalie Wood were on the open back deck arguing loudly. It was 11:00 PM. The arguing sounded fast and furious.
- I turned on the radio and played music loudly to muffle the arguing. Isinglass window surrounded the bridge. I looked out and saw Natalie Wood dressed in her nightgown. She was not yet wearing the red down jacket she would be found in the ocean wearing. The arguing continuing. I heard stateroom doors open again. I did not look out. I thought maybe the arguing went back inside, but then I heard voices again on the deck. The only full sentence I could completely decipher during the entire argument was "Get off my fucking boat" said by Robert Wagner. I could hear both Robert Wagners and Natalie Woods voices coming from the rear deck the entire time music played. I was terribly concerned but waited about 15 minutes before going to the deck. When I arrived on the rear open deck, only Robert Wagner was present, and he stood near the far rear wall of the yacht.
- Robert Wagner appeared sweaty, flushed, anxious, nervous, and disheveled. He told me "Natalie is missing" and asked me to search the yacht. He led me through the stateroom which was a mess it had been spotless when I passed through it after securing the dinghy a half-hour earlier.
- I immediately went to Christopher Walkens cabin, forward, and opened his door. He appeared to be sound asleep. I then went to my stateroom which is far forward, but it was empty. I met up with Robert Wagner in the wheelhouse and he informed me the dinghy was missing, too. I immediately wanted to radio for help and to turn on the searchlight, but Robert Wagner told me, sternly, "We are not going to do that. We will wait and see if she returns." His choice led me to presume that he knew his wife was in the dinghy and had taken off in it. I knew that Natalie Wood had never taken the dinghy alone, day or night, as she did not know how to operate it.Also, it was widely known amongst Natalie Woods family, friends and fans that she was deathly afraid of "water that is deep, water that is dark," as she had revealed in private and public statements many times.
- While we waited, Robert Wagner opened scotch and poured alcohol for me. He encouraged me to drink. He discussed with me the repercussions of bringing any immediate attention to the situation and he claimed he did not want to tarnish his image. After an hour passed, Robert Wagner began crying and repeated, "Shes gone, shes gone, shes gone" which I believed a strange thing to say. Over two hours passed before I finally convinced Robert Wagner to make a call for help. He did not call for professional help. He radioed the Island area and said, "Someone is missing from our boat." He did not mention Natalie Woods name. Island help showed up and after an hour or so, the local Harbormaster arrived and suggested the Coast Guard be called immediately, but Robert Wagner still claimed he did not want to tarnish his image by drawing public attention to the situation.
- At 3:30 AM, the Harbormaster virtually insisted we phone the Coast Guard, so Robert Wagner agreed to the Harbormaster (Doug Oudin) phoning in the missing person report. Crucial time had been wasted. Robert Wagners primary concern was what he would tell the public or authorities when questioned. He repeatedly told me to remain quiet about anything I knew, again citing the importance of his public image. He demanded I say nothing if questioned.
- When the Coast Guard rescue team arrived, they seemed angry that we had waited so long to call for professional assistance. They dove beneath Splendour to search and then set out by boat. A helicopter was called in for daybreak search help.
- Natalie Wood was found floating facedown at 7:45 AM. After the news was relayed to us aboard the Splendour, Robert Wagner and Christopher Walken were flown from the Island by helicopter to the Mainland before the detectives on the case arrived. I was left behind to identify Natalie Woods body, as Wagner had asked me to do. I noticed bruises on her body and my first thought was that the bruises might have been acquired during the argument in the stateroom and on the rear deck.
- Detective Duane Rasure interviewed me briefly on the Island and asked where the four of us had spent Friday night of the outing. I lied and said "on the boat" but then quickly told the truth that I had spent the night with Natalie Wood in Avalon. I did not reveal the truth about why Natalie and I had stayed on the Island. The detective released me and I took a passenger boat back to the Mainland where Robert Wagner had a car waiting to take me to his home.
- When I arrived at the Wagner home Sunday afternoon, I was immediately led by Robert Wagners attorney to the Wagner bedroom. I was told to say nothing regarding Natalie Woods death and that I was to see an attorney in the next day or two to sign a statement being prepared for me, which I did sign after barely reading it. Detective Duane Rasure showed up at my attorneys office for one last interview but he did not ask questions. Detective Duane Rasure accepted the statement that had been prepared for mea statement claiming that I did not know details about Natalie Woods disappearance from the yacht. Although I did want to reveal what I knew, I obeyed what had been asked of me.- In the aftermath of Natalie Woods death, Robert Wagner asked me to reside at his home, which I accepted. I also was responsible for retrieving Splendour from the Island, and for removing all inventory from the yacht. I found Natalie Woods earring in the corner of the master stateroom when cleaning.
- I lived at the Wagner home, and Robert Wagner secured a job for me as a General-extra actor on his TV show, Hart-to-Hart. I joined the Screen Actors Guild which led to more general acting jobs in the following year that I was a guest/resident at the Wagner home. It was only a few months after Natalies death that Robert Wagner began dating.
- Within 18 months of Natalie Woods death, my conscience began to bother me over the way her death had been handled. I told a friend I trusted (Margaret "Marti" Rulli) that I believed foul-play was involved in Natalie Woods death. Marti Rulli began recording my account. Basically, for the public, the mystery remained about why Natalie Wood had left the yacht. It was believed she had drunk too much and had fallen in an accident while trying to secure a banging dinghy. Truth of the matter is, which was never explained to the authorities, Natalie Wood had left the yacht on both Friday and Saturday nights of the outing due to arguing with her husband.
- I did not see how Natalie Wood actually got into the ocean Saturday night, but I do know that Robert Wagner was on the back deck with her when she went missing, yet he had told the authorities that he had no idea what had happened to his wife, claiming he was not with her at that time, and that when he went to check on her she was missing. That is not how it happened. The detective never asked questions about the broken glass in the main salon but Christopher Walken witnessed how the bottle was broken, and he also did not report the bottle-breaking incident to the authorities. Robert Wagner admits to smashing the wine bottle on the night of November 28, 1981 in Gavin Lamberts Wood biography "Natalie: A Life" 2004, and Natalie is said to be present. In Robert Wagners own 2008 autobiography, "Pieces of My Heart" he removes Natalie Wood from the bottle smashing scene. Natalie Wood did witness the bottle smashing. The bottle smashing incident is what caused the terrible argument that followed in the master stateroom, which led to Natalie Wood becoming missing from the yacht, Splendour.3. I declare that all statements of fact herein above are true and correct and are based on my personal knowledge, and that this declaration is made with the knowledge that false statements and the like are punishable by fine or imprisonment, or both, under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States and the State of California." 4. I am willing to cooperate with authorities concerning the Natalie Wood case. I have had a book published with Marti Rulli titled "Goodbye Natalie Goodbye Splendour" about my experiences with the Wagner family and the weekend Natalie Wood drowned. It was written to bring a modicum of justice to the late Natalie Wood, but it was highly intended to reach the officials who would not cooperate with us concerning Natalie Woods death. Marti Rullis amateur investigation revealed many other aspects of the Natalie Wood case that lead me to believe it is imperative to reopen the case if true justice is to be served for the late Natalie Wood. Marti Rulli tried to involve the detectives who had worked the case BEFORE our book was published. (Duane Rasure and Frank Salerno, Sr.) Our goal is to have the Wood case reopened professionally and officially. I have submitted to polygraph tests with a credited polygrapher and all of the information included in this statement was passed and deemed truthful in accordance with my 2008 polygraph test administered by Howard Temple, a certified tester with
decades of experience in polygraph testing, residing in Pennsylvania. I am willing to submit to a polygraph test for the authorities who may deem it viable to reopen the closed Natalie Wood case.
Signed by Dennis Davern 2011
Lana Wood Statement Submitted With Public Petition to LACSD:
I, Lana Wood, a citizen of the USA, California, hereby state as follows: I make this declaration for the purpose of inducing the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department to re-investigate the facts and circumstances surrounding the death of my sister, Natalie Wood, on November 29, 1981 and to re-open the case for appropriate action as warranted. On November 29, 1981, when I heard the news that my sister had drowned off the coast of Catalina Island, my mind was filled with confusion over the scant details offered officially and personally. After learning witnessed details from Dennis Davern, the Splendour Captain who has contacted me on several occasions throughout the years since my sisters death, I believe that a thorough, official investigation is warranted with a reopening of the Natalie Wood case.I have also learned new, disturbing details from the Coast Guard Captain, Mr. Roger Smith, who retrieved my sisters body from the ocean. In his expert opinion, he believes my sister lived for many hours in the ocean, and his claim that Robert Wagner said he did not call for help for Natalie Wood because he "thought she was out screwing around because thats the kind of woman she is" is outrageous. Wagner also claimed to Roger Smith that he did not call for professional help to protect his image.
Roger Smith claims he was never interviewed by the case detectives, despite the fact he had vital information to offer to the case. When he tried to become vocal with his account, he claims he was demoted and transferred off the Island.
I feel it is never too late for gather these facts that are now in the media, but apparently had slipped through the cracks during the initial investigation.
I believe that a reopening of the case will not only bring closure to the unanswered, lingering questions, but it will also bring true justice for Natalie Wood and/or for Robert Wagner. The remaining questions and suspicions surrounding the entire case brought to light by the 2009 book, "Goodbye Natalie Goodbye Splendour" (by Marti Rulli and Dennis Davern) need to be officially investigated. A thorough investigation will reveal what is fact and what is theory, because I believe my sisters death case was closed based on theory alone. There seemed to be a rush to close the case to avoid media invasion.
My questions include:
1) Why was my sisters body full of bruises? A closer look into this fact might reveal appropriate answers.
2) Why was the case closed so quickly? The coroner, Thomas Noguchi, had revealed to the media that an argument had transpired aboard the Splendour the night of Natalie Woods death. Then Coroner Noguchi was reprimanded in public for making such a claimed and subsequently fired. 
According to Dennis Davern, a participant of the cruise in question, there was an argument aboard the yacht that was transpiring at the time of my sisters alleged disappearance from the yacht. Robert Wagner has since admitted in his 2008 autobiography that, indeed, an argument had transpired on November 28, 1981, between him and my sister.
3) Many new details have arisen since my sisters death (by Dennis Davern who witnessed what transpired before my sister drowned, from Roger Smith, the Coast Guard Captain who retrieved Natalies body, and from Marilyn Wayne, a nearby boater, who claims she heard my sister calling out for help at the precise time Dennis Davern claims an argument was in full force. Marilyn Wayne, Roger Smith were never interviewed by the authorities in regards to the case, and Dennis Davern claims he was hardly questioned by detectives. These three witnesses continue to be ignored by authorities.
4) Why was Robert Wagner sent home before having his body checked or being interrogated in relation to my sisters death? He was told to go home and grieve and I do not believe that constitutes a thorough investigation.
5) Why wasnt an official timeline established in regards to the events leading to my sisters death? The first comprehensive timeline was established by author Suzanne Finstad in her Natalie Wood biography, Natasha, published in 2001.
6) While Wagner is still available for questioning, I am requesting he be asked official, detailed questions in relation to my sisters death case that remains officially vague and closed.
I declare that all of my statements and requests herein above are true and correct and are based on my personal ambition to learn facts relating to my sister, Natalie Woods, death from official sources. I feel it is unfair to Natalies blood relatives to have had to learn factual, proven information from authors publishing their own investigations of my sisters death case. The case warrants profession attention, and I submit my request respectfully. I am willing to cooperate with authorities concerning the Natalie Wood case, if there are any questions I can answer that would provide information pertinent to the case.
signed by Lana Wood 2011
Marilyn Wayne Statement Submitted With Public Petition to LACSD:
I, Marilyn Wayne, a citizen of the USA in California, hereby state as follows: 1. I make this declaration for the purpose of inducing the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department to re-investigate the facts and circumstances surrounding the death of Natalie Wood on November 29, 1981 and to re-open the case for appropriate action as warranted. 2. Relevant facts include:
On November 28, 1981, I and businessman John Payne, were sleeping aboard Johns 42 ft. sail boat, the Capricorn, equipped with a silent generator. The cabin window was open. A womans voice, crying for help from drowning awakened John and he awakened me. "Help me, someone please help me, Im drowning" we heard repeatedly. Alarmed, I called out to my son, who also heard the cries, and looked at his new digital watch: it was just minutes after 11:00 P.M. As the cries for help continued. John went to the control panel and switched on the beam light. I went on deck to look toward the sound, but it was dark and damp and couldn't see anything. I had a bead on the plaintive cry for help, and considered swimming toward it, but John convinced me it could be a dangerous choice. I thought the cries were only about 40 feet away, toward the boat moored closest to us, which I learned the next day was the Wagner yacht, Splendour.While listening to the cries, we called the harbor patrol but no one answered. Then we called the sheriffs office in Avalon, 12 miles away, and whoever answered told us a helicopter would be sent, but it did not come. We heard loud music coming from somewhere, so thought there was a party on a nearby boat.
Then I heard a man's voice, slurred, and in aggravated tone, say something to the effect of, "Oh, hold on, were coming to get you," and not long after, the cries for help subsided, but we heard the cries for up to 15 minutes. We returned to bed, terribly disturbed.
I was up by 5:00 A.M. the next morning and went right out to the deck, afraid of what I might see in the water. To my relief, only the ocean flowed between the Capricorn and the Splendour. I jotted down Splendours name, as that was the exact area the cries had originated from. The Spendour was moored about 50 feet away, starboard, facing in the same direction as the Capricorn, toward the island, no more than a five-minute swim to the shoreline. I calculated that the cries Id heard came from no more than 10 to 15 feet from the Splendour. Whoever had cried for help, did so from between the two boats. About a half hour later, I noticed a police boat near the Splendour. At this time, the Harbormaster's employeea teenage boyarrived at our boat, the Capricorn, to collect the mooring fee. The police boat lingered at the Splendour, so I asked the young man what was going on "over on that boat," pointing to the Splendour. He answered, "Maybe you should mind your own business!"When we cruised back to Newport Beach a couple of hours later, and learned that Natalie Woods body had been found, I had no doubt it had been her voice I had heard the night before.
I had always wanted to believe that Natalie's death was an accident and originally felt sorry for her widower, actor Robert Wagner. But, then things started to change. The police never interviewed me and/or John, although they would claim they had. Immediately after the death, I had talked about the experience at work and someone from the L.A. Times called to interview me. Then, I placed a call to Coroner Thomas Noguchi after he published his theory. I wanted to correct him on his "timeline" which I knew was off.Noguchi talked with me but although the County Sheriffs Department was well aware of my account, they continued to ignore me. When investigating a bodyespecially under the bizarre circumstances surrounding Natalie Woods deathone would think the authorities would have jumped at the opportunity to talk with me, as I had information that could have shed light on the case.
Lead case Detective, Duane Rasure, publicly called me "someone seeking my name in the media" and that was extremely insulting, as, in fact, I preferred to have quietly interviewed with the authorities. I never gave my full account until I was contacted almost 20 years later by author Suzanne Finstad while she researched for her biography on Ms. Wood, titled Natasha. A few years later, author Marti Rulli contacted me while researching her book,
Goodbye Natalie Goodbye Splendour, an account that includes a polygraph test of the Splendour boat captain, Dennis Davern. His account of the approximate time Natalie Wood and Robert Wagner began arguing was just before 11:00 PM. He claims he started playing loud music at approximately the same time.I have always been willing to take a polygraph test to prove I stand behind my account, which corresponds with Dennis Daverns account the authorities continue to ignore.
I was a stock broker in November 1981, and worked in the same firm as one of Robert Wagner's brokers. I had a "client box'" designed for clients to drop off their messages through a slot in the front. The boxes were opened in the back, labeled by broker name on each end. Three days after Natalie died, I found a scribbled message on a torn piece of paper in my box that read, "If you value your life, keep quiet about what you know." I immediately suspected it was related to Natalie Wood's death because that's all anyone had been talking about. I was disturbed and even told an attorney about the threat.
A few weeks after Natalie Woods death, John Payne and I had dinner at a Beverly Hills restaurant, and in walked Robert Wagner with his mother. Oddly, the maitre d' asked us if we were uncomfortable and would we want to move to another room. We declined. Robert Wagner looked over and saw us. We wondered if we should approach him to offer condolences, but decided that might be an intrusion. Ironically, we thought Mr. Wagner should have wanted to approach us to ask what we might know, as you would expect a husband to do, one who would want to learn details about his wifes demise. We believed at that time that he was totally innocent, but we were stunned he said nothing to us. We knew him from around the marinas. My question was: Why wouldnt a loving husband want to ask a question of the people who last heard his wifes voice? He knew we were those people, it had been talked about. Why wouldnt he have wanted to thank us for the help we tried to provide the night we called for help for the calls for help?After all Ive learned since my own direct experience with the death of Natalie, I am stunned that Robert Wagner has never been properly interrogated in regards to Natalie Woods death. In my opinion, Natalie Woods case is one of the top most botched cases of the 20th century, and I am still willing to offer my assistance should you finally realize that this case needs what every death case deserves: a full and proper investigation. If Robert Wagner wants the world to know he had done nothing wrong, he should be made to prove it. I believe a famous woman lost her life while he witnessed how and why it happened. I believe it was his voice I heard, the one that said he would help during the cries for help. I believe he never asked a question of me because he didnt need to ask questions: he
knows what happened.Signed by Marilyn Wayne 2011
Roger Smith Statement Submitted With Public Petition to LACSD:
I, Roger Smith, a citizen of the USA in California, hereby state as follows:
1. I make this declaration for the purpose of inducing the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department to re-investigate the facts and circumstances surrounding the death of Natalie Wood on November 29, 1981 and to re-open the case for appropriate action as warranted.
2. Relevant facts include:
On November 29, 1981, while Natalie Wood was missing from her family yacht, Splendour, I was contacted at approximately 5:00 A.M. for search and rescue purposes. Natalie Woods body was discovered over two hours later (approximately 7:30 AM), and I am the person who brought her body ashore.I have always wondered about the delayed call for professional help to rescue Natalie Wood, always regretting that I hadn't been called early enough as I believe there may have been a true chance of saving Natalie, as the condition of her body after being brought ashore suggested she may have floated alive for several hours. Her fingers were pliable, and her face and body not showing certain effects being deceased in an ocean for hours would normally incur.
Before the detectives arrived on the scene, Deputy Knoll and I questioned Natalie Woods husband, Robert Wagner. When asked why Wagner hadn't called for help earlier, Wagner's reply was something to the effect of, "We thought she was off on another boat screwing around because that's the kind of woman she is."
3. My story is best told in a therapeutic account I wrote years after Natalie Woods death to help myself deal with my turmoil over the circumstances surrounding her death.
On April 1st, 1982, I was demoted as supervising rescue boat lieutenant with a pay-cut of $600 a month and told I had 15 days to get off the island. I was also told the demotion was due to budgetary reasons, which also threw into the works that such a demotion could not be appealed. The demotion was so airtight, nothing could be done. Deane Dana worked closely with Doug Bombard, owner of the only restaurant at Two Harbors, a man who "owned and ruled" that part of the island. The two men met and decided I was no longer necessary at the Island and I believe thats because I became vocal over the Island safety issues, especially in the aftermath of Natalie Woods death. I was NEVER interviewed by the Natalie Wood case detectives. Being the person who had brought Natalie Woods body ashore, you would have thought my professional opinion would have been documented in case reports.
Following is my account as told in the paper I later wrote:
A Cry For Help. Nov. 1981
I had been running the Catalina Baywatch Isthmus lifeguard rescue boat operation for the last ten years. I had accomplished a lot of things in those years one was to become the first lifeguard paramedics in the world, another was being able to treat stricken scuba divers suffering from diving diseases in the decompression chamber at the U.S.C. marine science center at Big Fisher mans cove near the Isthmus.
All was going well until one day I was told by my assistant chief that there was going to have to be cut backs in the operations on Catalina Island. He told me that the Isthmus boat was going to become a 9 to 5 operation and one of the three guards stationed at the Isthmus was going to be transferred to the
Avalon boat, and they will answer the calls that come in after hours. I told them with great protest that it wont work because they are over a hour away, and we were jeopardizing the possibility of the lose of life.
It was Thanksgiving holiday November 29th. 1981, I secured the rescue boat in its normal spot next to the pier. Under the new rules I was the only one on duty. The harbor was about half full, and a wind was coming off the island at about ten knots that wind direction is normal when the wind is from the west, all of the yachts face the shore with there bows to sit in calm water. I lived in a mobile home about two hundred yards from the shore with my family. All seemed to be okay that night and I went to bed at the normal time around ten.The phone rang at 5:11 am and the U.S. Coast Guard rescue coordination center was on the line and they were requesting our assistance to help search for Natalie Wagner, she has been missing for several hours, the Catalina cove and camp agency had been looking for her and can not find her. On the extension phone I heard my working partner say he had come home early and we could go on the call.
I got down to the rescue boat and found out that Natalie had been missing since 1:30 A.M.
I got a hold of the local Sheriffs deputy and told him to call his station and get a shore line search started and send their helicopter over from the mainland, Deputy Kroll came onboard with me. When Robert Wagner was questioned by the deputy on why had they not called us sooner? He exclaimed that because we were a public agency he did not want it to get in the news, and he thought she might just be on another boat meeting some one.
So they had the shore boat go from boat to boat to see if they could find her. The inflatable shore boat for the Splendour was missing so I put on my diving gear to look under the boat in 85 feet of water to see if she may have slipped and drowned off the swim step. The water was very clear as usual and I found nothing.
Robert Wagner did tell the deputy that they had been arguing that evening in the main cabin of the boat with Christopher Walken, and Natalie got upset and went to bed. The dinghy on the back of the boat kept hitting the back and he remembered Natalie getting up to retie it and that was the last he saw of her. I decided to patrol more off shore and the Isthmus harbor patrol boat with Doug Bombard the manager of the Cove and Camp agency and his harbor employee Doug Odin followed close behind.
We were searching just out side the main cove where the wind starts to blow from the west again and blow down the island. We were off of Blue Caverns Point when we spotted the inflatable boat in question inside the cave, I swam into the cave to retrieve the boat and looked around for Natalie. As I was tying the boat off to ours the Sheriff helicopter was coming up from Avalon near Empire Landing. At about 1/4 mile off shore the helicopter started to hover and told us that they thought they may have spotted some thing just below the surface. The harbor boat sped down ahead of us and stopped Doug Bombard reached down in the water and pulled Natalie into his arms, at the same moment I was across from him on our boats swim step and ordered him to give her to me. There was no more words said and I laid her body on the deck of the boat and saw that she was obviously deceased.
My next problem was what was I going to do with her? The Isthmus area was already starting to buzz, about Natalie and I did not want to carry her through the yachting public, so I took her to where we used to take the diving patients at the U.S.C. facility. We laid her at the entrance to the chamber. I
helped deputy Kroll take off her red down jacket which did not help her in cold water. We than had to examine the body to make sure there was no foul play. She had on a burgundy night gown on with nothing underneath, her arms and fingers moved very easy as I removed her rings; she showed no signs of rigor mortis. We could not tell how long she had been gone? But we did know that she did not know how to swim. She must have been hanging onto the safety line on the boat drifting out of the harbor for hours. Her eyes were still open so I closed them and covered her with a blanket. I released her to the sheriff and returned to the Isthmus.
After I returned home the phone calls started pouring in. I refused to talk to the media about it. I was too upset that what I had predicted actually happened. About a week later when things settled down I received a call from a L.A. Times reporter lady named Ann Japenga. I then decided that some one must know what has happened to our service so more lives are not lost. She assured me that if there was any repercussion on me from my department for talking to her I would be protected by the Times paper.
I did some research on how long some one like Natalie could survive in the water holding on to the inflatable boat? It ended up to be 3.3 to 4.9 hours. Depending on her willingness to survive. That meant she was drifting with the boat being pushed by the wind and not being strong enough to pull her self back into the boat. She must have cried for help and no one could hear her that late at night with the wind blowing off shore. I thought that the harbor boats with Doug Bombard wanted to be the heroes, that is why they refused to call us sooner. Our Lifeguard boat was only 100 ft. from the Splendour on its mooring that night.
The Baywatch Isthmus boat was equipped with all of the rescue equipment needed to find her, if we had been called.
I do know but there must had been a lot of people feeling guilty, because I soon became the fall guy. I was shortly informed that I was to be transferred off the island, and lose my rank as the most senior person on the island and about 16 % of my pay was reduced. My family now had to move back to the mainland. I was told that L. A. Co. Supervisor Dean Dana was being questioned about his decision to make the cut backs that started it all. And that Doug Bombard of the Cove agency sat in on meetings with Dana to get rid of me. As for my fellow workers on the island they did not help, They were happy to take my rank and pay and my position as it was moved to Avalon. And the reporter from the L.A. Times she would not return my calls.
So the famous Natalie Wood is gone, she died because of politics and poor decision making on many peoples part, as she cried for help for hours that night.
Roger Smith, Supervising Rescue Boat Captain. Isthmus, Catalina Island.
Signed by Roger Smith 2011
Marianne Pesci Submitted With Public Petition to LACSD:
I, Marianne Pesci, a citizen of the USA, California, hereby state as follows: I make this declaration as a professional for the purpose of inducing the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department to re-investigate the facts and circumstances surrounding the death of actress Natalie
Wood, based on my professional opinion that her widower, Robert Wagner, has behaved curiously since the death of his late wife, Natalie Wood on November 29, 1981. Certain revelations and actions by Wagner, and his demeanor since the death, falls in the category of clinically suspicious behavior: Including:
7) When information immediately surfaced from a witness, Marilyn Wayne, who claimed to have heard a womans voice crying for help from drowning at the precise time music was playing from another boat, Wagner had the opportunity to contact a witness in Wayne, but did not. When he crossed paths with Marilyn Wayne in a restaurant two weeks after Natalies death, he avoided Wayne. He had no questions for her, just as he had no questions for the case authorities. This is highly unlikely behavior unless a person needs no answers because he already knows more than he had revealed.
8) Wagner has never denied or acknowledged any of the revealing details an eye and ear witness has publicly revealed (Dennis Davern).
9) Wagner did not tell the authorities he argued with Natalie before she went missing. He admits in his autobiography published in 2008 that he did argue with Natalie.
10) Wagner's actions and words do not reflect that of a man who tragically, accidentally lost the "love of his life" (as he claims). His book is incredibly full of narcissism and anecdotes akin to sociopath tendencies: Stunning examples include: (1) Smashing the wine bottle on the fateful cruise(2) His admission that he and friends "silenced" a photographer who snapped unsolicited photos of his friend David Niven, (3) Chasing Warren Beatty with a gun (4) As revealed in Lamberts book, Wagners drunken rant as he threatened to hurl himself out of a hotel window because he was jealous of Natalies then co-star, William Devane.
11) Wagner's behavior and words are stunning examples of a serious fundamental character flaw.
12) In one of Wagner's interviews, he claimed that he and Walken have "gone over and over it" (relating to Natalies death), asking each other, "Did you HEAR anything?" Walken has publicly claimed to have slept throught the night Natalie went missing which is in accordance with Daverns account. If Wagner wants to give the impression that he and Walken are friends whove "gone over and over" the death, as if they've tried to understand it on a number of occasions together, crying on each other's shoulders, why hasnt Wagner "gone over it" with Davern who did witness Woods whereabouts before she left the yacht? Furthermore, why didn't Wagner demand in November 1981, and beyond, that there be a more thorough investigation? If you have supposedly tortured yourself, as Wagner would have us believe, in trying to figure it out, why have you done everything possible to discourage an investigation and to squelch others (Dennis, Rulli, Wayne, and Lana Wood) from talking about it and asking questions? Its seems rather improbable that Wagner and Walken (or anyone else) have "gone over and over" the death, and tried to figure it out. The totality of Wagner's behavior and words scream otherwise.
13) Rational, intelligent people fully understand the gravity of Natalie's story and recognize the travesty of justice in her case. Daverns version of the circumstances surrounding Woods death in the book "Goodbye Natalie Goodbye Splendour" rings true Wagners story flounders.
14) Wagner claims to miss and have loved his late wife, yet he does not mention her or credit her in his acknowledgments in his autobiography odd behavior for a "loving husband"even one who has remarried, as, after all, he rasided Natalies two daughters, one from her marriage with Richard Gregson, and the other from her marriage to Wagner.
15) In Wagners autobiography, he comes across as very crass, mean-spirited, and self-serving. The book seems nothing more than an attempt to make himself look good, and innocent of any wrongdoing in his wifes death. At certain intervals, his book his downright breathtaking (but 
NOT in a good way). I was disturbed by his book and shocked that he did not dedicate it, at least partially, to Natalie. However, he dedicated it to the "six women in my life" of importance: his mother, sister, wife St. John, and his three daughters. Natalie didn't help to make his life meaningful? Stunningly, Natalie is not even mentioned in the TWO full pages of acknowledgments in the end of his book. If she had indeed been lost to him and her daughters accidentally, I cant imagine why she was not mentioned. The omission of her name is more revealing than public readers may realize. He manages to thank sports figures and the friends of his daughter, but he doesn't have room for Natalie anywhere in his acknowledgments? The chapter on Natalie's death rang hollow and stale, as if it were written with the help of an attorney. He cried over his dead dog and his pals, but he did not get emotional over Natalie. Even the title of his book came from a tearful remembrance of Barbara Stanwyck, not of Natalie.
16) Though young when Natalie died, I still always doubted the official story. It just didn't sound right or thorough. I became more bothered when I saw Wagner gallivanting in public with St. John a mere six months after Natalie's death. According to Wagner and his wife Jills later statements, it turns out that St. John and Wagner were dating less than two months after Natalie's death, and they went out on a date on Valentine's Day, 1982. What "grieving" spouse does such a thing?
17) Wagner claims he loved Wood. "Investigation 101" has proven over and over that a wife is more likely to be killed by a husband than by a stranger. And many people get killed every day by someone they love and who supposedly loves them. It's called domestic violence. The bruises on Natalies body need be investigated. Daverns account of a fight that sounded physical should be investigated. It is naļve to believe there could not have been a domestic fight the night Wood died. The fight could very well be related to why Wood "left" the yacht and drowned.
18) Other evidence pertaining to Wagners actions AFTER Natalie was no longer aboard her yacht are gravely suspicious. Wagner wanted to protect his image, according to witness accounts. That his image meant more than calling for professional help for his wife lost at sea is the MAIN REASON the Wood case should be reopened.
In summary, my evaluation can easily be investigated for authorities to discover how Ive drawn my professional conclusions. I realize that "psychological profiling" is important to any death case. There are ample clues in Wagners autobiography of chauvinism, snobbery, crassness, and his overall insecurities, enough to substantiate all of my disturbing claims. Reading Wagners book was the big tip-off for me--I never believed the official story of how Natalie died, but I didn't think that he had directly done something to her. I thought there was more but couldn't imagine that he put her in the water. After Wagner started gallivanting with St. John and looking so happy a few months after Natalie died, I thought it was troubling. In the years that followed, I was always bothered by this case. After reading his book, I became convinced that he had never told the truth about Natalies death. His overall tone toward Natalie was bothersome. His lack of a dedication or even acknowledgement of her was striking. Ive seen Wagner in interviews since Natalies death. He does not answer questions posed--he'll turn it into something else, and no one comes back at him with the same question or a rephrasing of it. I've seen him do this many times, and he looks and sounds very uncomfortable. There are so many "ums," "you knows," "wells," etc. that it just reeks of deceit. He stammers and pauses constantly. Any comments of his about Natalie's death also have reeked of deceit. Why wouldn't someone who married "the love of his life" TWICE want to know details about what happened to her? Just because someone drowns doesn't mean it was an accident.
Then, after reading "Goodbye Natalie" it all came together for me, and my suspicions were validated with Daverns polygraphed details. Apparently, Wagner does know what happened the night his wife
"disappeared" and drowned. The authorities have thus far ignored all of the new information relating to Woods death, and I feel that is a discredit to the true mission of a justice department. I strongly recommend the reopening of the Wood case.
I declare that all of my statements and requests herein above are true and correct and are based on my personal ambition to bring justice to the late actress, mother of two, Natalie Wood.
I am willing to cooperate with authorities concerning the Natalie Wood case if there are any questions they believe I can answer that would provide professional, clinical input pertinent to the case.
signed by Marianne Pesci 2011
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Kennir Robert Wagner um dauša Natalie Wood |
Tilkynna um óvišeigandi tengingu viš frétt |
Kvikmyndir | Breytt s.d. kl. 17:40 | Slóš | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
15.11.2011 | 01:43
Frišur sé meš yšur Brad Pitt
Brad Pitt er enn vaxandi leikari, kominn fast aš fimmtugu, og žótt hann hafi ķ seinni tķš tekiš nokkur hlutverk sem lķtiš geršu til aš auka hróšur hans. Kvikmyndaleikur getur veriš mikil list og miklir listamenn geta haldiš įfram aš vaxa ķ list sinni allt fram į daušadęgriš.
Žess vegna er mašur dįlķtiš undandi į aš heyra einn vinsęlasta karlleikara allra tķma lżsa žvķ yfir aš hann vilji hętta aš leika og taka upp leikstjórn.
Nokkrir góšir leikarar hafa ķ ellinni tekiš upp leikstjórn og farnast vel en žeir hafa aldrei flogiš hęrra ķ žvķ listformi en žeir geršu sem leikarar. - Brad Pitt į ekki aš hętta leika um fimmtugt.
Hann į aš halda įfram og taka viš Sean Connery sem flottasti gamlinginn į hvķta tjaldinu. Hann žarf ekki endilega aš leika einhverja hįlfteiknašar ofurhetjur, heldur takast į viš dramatķsk hlutverk, tja.. eins og Connery hefur gert.
Hvaš žessa töffaralegu lķfsspeki aš hamingjan sé ofmetin og aš žaš eina sem hann sękist eftir sé frišur, veit Pitt örugglega aš engin finnur friš sem ekki hefur friš innra meš sér. Og sį sem hefur friš innra meš sér er lķka hamingjusamur.
Nei, Pitt talar žarna eins og mašur sem er oršinn daušžreyttur og vill hvķta sig um stund, fjarri barnaskaranum og gagginu ķ sętustu og frekustu konu ķ heimi.
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Brad Pitt yfirgefur hvķta tjaldiš eftir žrjś įr |
Tilkynna um óvišeigandi tengingu viš frétt |
2.11.2011 | 13:00
Dżrlingur eša drusla
Ef aš taka į fréttina bókstaflega bśast framleišendur žessarar nżju śtgįfu af Ofurstirninu Jesś Kristi viš meirihįttar kraftaverki žvķ "myndin į aš koma śt įriš 2104 og er stefnan hjį framleišendum aš halda einnig tónleika svo aš söngkonan geti flutt lög myndarinnar."
En er žaš virkilega svo aš almenningur įlķti aš Marķa Magdalena hafi veriš vęndiskona? Kannski mįl aš rifja upp ķ žessu sambandi žessa fęrslu mķna um Marķu Magdalenu og stöšu hennar ķ Kristindóminum.
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Nicole Scherzinger leikur vęndiskonu |
Tilkynna um óvišeigandi tengingu viš frétt |
29.9.2011 | 23:59
Žegar Poppgošin deyja
Žau eru menn og konur sem viš hefjum ķ huga okkar og hjarta upp į ķmyndaša festinguna vegna hęfileika žeirra til aš hrķfa okkur ķ burt frį žessum heimi um stund.
Viš tilbišjum žau lķka meš żmsu móti, fórnum žeim veršmętum okkar, tķma og peningum, gerum af žeim lķkön og myndir og prżšum meš žeim vistarverur okkar og tilbeišslumusterin öll; leik, kvikmynda, tónlistar og öldurhśs borga og bęja.
Ķ nśtķma samfélagi gegna žau sama hlutverki fyrir sįlarlķf okkar og ķbśar Ólympķu fjalls og Įsheima geršu foršum.
Į hverjum degi tķnum viš upp ķ okkur af mikilli gręšgi alla fréttamolana sem umbar og spunameistararnir stjarnanna hafa matreitt sérstaklega ofanķ okkur.
Viš köllum žau stjörnur og sess žeirra er į himni, ekki satt?
En žegar stjörnurnar hverfa śr žessum heimi, ungar og ķ blóma lķfsins og neyša okkur til aš horfast ķ augu viš forgengileika okkar sjįlfra, hefst gošsagnageršin fyrir alvöru. Besti efnivišurinn ķ hana į vorri upplżsingaöld, er fenginn śr samsęriskenningingum. Og žęr bestu snśast ašallega um spurninguna; "hver drap hann/hana?"
Goš deyja nefnilega ekki į venjulegan hįtt eins og ég og žś. Örlög žeirra og endalok verša aš vera vafin einhverri dul og sveipuš leyndardómi. - Einungis žannig geta žau haldiš įfram aš vera ašgreind frį okkur hinum mennsku og ljóminn af hręvareldum lķfs žeirra eins og hann birtist okkur ķ hinum margvķslegu fjölmišlum, haldiš įfram aš veita okkur žį andlegu og trśarlegu fróun sem kakafónķa margra og fjölbreyttra goša, ein getur įorkaš.
Aš vera tekin ķ gušatölu į viš margar kvikmynda, rokk og poppstjörnur sem lįtist hafa langt um aldur fram, en ekki allar. Śtlitiš žarf lķka aš vera gušdómlegt.
Til dęmis voru žeir John Bonham og Keith Moon bįšir of feitir og miklir nautnabelgir til aš žaš kęmust af staš einhverjar sögusagnir um aš orsök dauša žeirra hafi veriš einhverjar ašrar en svall og svķnarķ.
Brian Jones og Janis Joplin sem tilheyra reyndar hinum fręga 27 įra aš eilķfu félagsskap, dóu einnig undir afar grunsamlegum kringumstęšum, eša svona eins rokkstjörnum sęmir, uppstoppuš af dópi.
En aš sjįlfsögšu getur konungur poppsins, sjįlfur Michael Jackson, ekki hafa lįtist nema fyrir sök einhvers annars en sjįlfs sķn. Aušvitaš er žaš Conrad Murray lęknir sem ber sökina, eša til vara, einhver annar sem hann var aš vinna fyrir. Hiš fullkomna nśtķma įtrśnašargoš getur ekki dįiš nema aš einhver hafi drepiš žaš.
Eša trśir žvķ einhver aš Marilyn Monroe hafi ekki veriš drepin af CIA vegna žess aš hśn hélt viš tvo Kennedy bręšur samtķmis, og var oršin of illa farin af drykkju og dópi til aš vera treystandi til aš halda žvķ leyndu mikiš lengur.
Og var ekki Elvis Presley grandaš af CIA žegar hann brį sér į klósettiš til aš kśka, eitt kvöldiš?
Svo vita allir aš breski krśnuerfinginn Charles lét drepa konu sķna Diönu, prinssessu fólksins, til aš geta giftast hinni ęgifögru Camillu Parker, įskonu sinni til margra įra.
Eša hverju var raunverulega blandaš ķ dópiš sem Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison og Sid Vicious tóku inn, allt saman alvanir menn žegar kom aš blöndun eiturlyfja, dęlum og nįlum?
Žį er alveg ljóst aš krabbameiniš sem Bob Marley dó af var tilkomiš vegna žess hann var lįtinn eta geislavirk efni. Og var ekki haglabyssuskotiš sem Kurt Cobain dó af grunsamlegt, jafnvel žótt hann hafi skrifaš sjįlfsvķgs-bréf og hleypt žvķ af sjįlfur?
John Lennon var drepinn af einhverjum lśša sem geršur var śt af einhverjum af žeim fjölmörgu sem óttušust įhrif hans og eins fór fyrir Tubac Shakr og Biggie Smalls, jafnvel žótt žeir hafi veriš ķ einhverjum glępagengjum sem virša mannslķfin į borš viš mexķkanska eiturlyfjaprangara.
Og hvaš munum viš žurfa aš bķša lengi žangaš til aš sögusagnirnar fara į kreik um orsakir dauša Amy Winehouse. - Enn er veriš aš bķša eftir formlegum nišurstöšum śr krufningu hennar. Žaš tekur tķma aš koma saman sögu sem passar viš allar žessa dóptegundir sem ķ lķkama hennar fundust.
Žörfin til aš "trśa" er lķklega rótin af öllum žessum samsęriskenningum um dauša įtrśnašargoša okkar. Gošsagnirnar og trśin sem var og er hluti af sameiginlegu vitundarlķfi okkar veršur ę snaušara af žvķ yfirnįttśrlega og dularfulla. Eitthvaš ķ sįlarlķfinu krefst hinsvegar aš slķkt sé til stašar.
Kvikmyndir | Breytt 30.9.2011 kl. 00:10 | Slóš | Facebook | Athugasemdir (2)
25.3.2011 | 09:20
Of strekktur, of bótoxašur og of gamall
Fyrir stuttu sį ég heimildarmynd um Steven Seagal. Ég hętti aš fylgjast meš ferli žessa fyrrum bardagalista-žjįlfara einhvern tķman į nķunda įratugnum, eftir aš ljóst var aš magniš skiptir hann meira mįli en gęšin žegar kom aš gerš kvikmynda.
Satt aš segja hélt ég aš hann vęri löngu hęttur aš leika ķ kvikmyndum.
Nei, ekki alveg. Žrįtt fyrir aš hann sé oršinn allt of žungur, of strekktur og bótoxašur, allt of gamall og žar af leišandi allt of luralegur til aš geta leikiš einhverja hasarhetju, žrįast hann viš.
Žessir sjónvarpsžęttir sem fréttin talar um, eru einskonar leiknir raunveruleikažęttir žar sem Seagal er geršur aš alvöru löggu, eru augljóslega dreggjarnar ķ sjónvarpsžįttagerš ķ Bandarķkjunum ķ dag. Slęmt žegar leikarar, sérstaklega žeir sem ekki hafa annaš til bruns aš bera en aš lķta žokkalega śt, žekkja ekki sinn vitjunartķma.
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Seagal réšst į heimili į skrišdreka |
Tilkynna um óvišeigandi tengingu viš frétt |
23.3.2011 | 13:49
Liz Taylor öll
Elizabeth Rosemond Taylor er fallin frį og meš henni endar įkvešiš tķmabil ķ kvikmyndasögunni. žessi ensk/amerķska leikkona sem varš fręg fyrir leik sinn ķ stórmyndum eins og Kleópatra, var žegar oršin aš gošsögn ķ lifanda lķfi.
"Ég ętlaši aldrei aš eignast mikiš af skartgripum eša fjölda eiginmanna" er haft eftir stórstjörnunni sem nś er öll.
"Ég lifši bara lķfinu rétt eins og hver annar en ég hef veriš ótrślega heppinn. Ég hef kynnst mikilli įst og tķmabundiš veriš hiršir mikilla og fagurra dżrgripa. En mér hefur aldrei žótt ég meira lifandi en žegar ég horfši į börnin mķn hamingjusöm aš leik, aldrei meira lifandi en žegar ég horfši į mikla listamenn og aldrei rķkari en žegar ég aflaši mikils fjįr fyrir eyšnisjśka."
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Elizabeth Taylor lįtin |
Tilkynna um óvišeigandi tengingu viš frétt |
12.1.2011 | 01:10
Trśšar, oss er ekki skemmt!
Hvar į aš byrja?
Fyrir žaš fyrsta žį hef ég aldrei séš hvaš er fyndiš viš trśša. Aš vera ekki fyndinn hlżtur aš vera til vansa fyrir žann sem hefur žann eina tilgang aš vera fyndinn. -
Trśšar og trśšslęti eru alls ekki hlęgileg. Hver hlęr t.d. aš žessu fśla trixi žegar vatni er sprautaš śr gerviblóminu? Kannski Hitler.
Hśmor sem byggir į žvķ aš detta į rassinn ķ hvert sinn sem bassatromman drynur, er svo afkįralegur aš hann jašrar viš hrylling.
Reyndar eru trśšar hryllilegir. Ef einhverjir rithöfundar settust nišur og reyndu aš skapa persónu sem vęri holdtekja alls žess sem viš įlķtum hryllilegt, vęri śtkoman trśšur.
Eldrautt rafmagnaš hįr, daušahvķtt andlit meš skelfilegu glotti og voodoo augnfarša, śtbelgdur skrokkur ķ višundarlegum bśningi, bigfoot fętur og hlįtur hinna fordęmdu. Allt žetta hefur trśšurinn. - Žess vegna finnst mér žaš ętķš hljóma eins og hótun žegar ég heyri lagiš Send in the Clowns.
Jerry Lewis gerši eitt sinn kvikmynd um Trśš. Hśn hét The day the Clown Cried og fjallaši um trśš sem lenti ķ śtrżmingarbśšum Nasista. Myndin var svo hryllileg aš hśn var aldrei aš fullu klįruš, hvaš žį tekin til sżninga. Žaš segir heilmikiš um trśša.
Stundum er fólki sem hefur ašra atvinnu, lķkt viš trśša. Žś ert bara trśšur, segja pólitķkusar oft um andstęšinga sķna meš fyrirlitningu og neikvęšu formerkin loša viš röddina ķ mönnum. Samt borga žessir sömu menn stundum heilmikla peninga til aš fį trśš ķ heimksókn til aš taka žįtt ķ merkisdögum ķ lķfi barna sinna. - Žannig er pólitķkin, full af mótsögnum og žannig er aš vera trśšur, žeir eru ein mótsögn.