Bob Dylan "The words are a stolen"

bob_dylan_narrowweb__300x479,0Žegar aš Bob Dylan var 16 įra  (1957) sendi hann ljóš sem hann sagši vera eftir sjįlfan sig til birtingar ķ blaši sem gefiš var śt af sumarbśšum fyrir drengi. ( Herzl Camp in Webster,Wis) 

Ljóšiš heitir  "Little Buddy” og hefur oft veriš tekiš sem dęmi um snilli Dylans sem skįlds, jafnvel į unga aldri. Frumritiš af ljóšinu į aš selja ķ nęstu viku į uppboši og er vonast til aš fyrir žaš fįist allt aš 10.000 dollarar en žaš eru Herzl sumarbśširnar sem eiga frumritiš.

hank1rNś hefur komiš ķ ljós aš "ljóšiš" er aš mestu leiti sönglagatexti eftir kanadķska sveitalagasöngvarann Hank Snow sem hann gaf śt į plötu 11 įrum įšur en Dylan sendi inn "ljóšiš sitt" til Lisu Heilicher sem žį var 16 įra og ritstjóri bśšablašsins. (Lisa varšveitti frumritiš ķ 50 įr og lét žaš bśšunum eftir nżlega til aš afla žvķ fé.)

Hér getur aš lķta "ljóš Dylans" og svo texta Hanks (d.1999) til samanburšar .

"Little Buddy” 

eftir Dylan

Broken hearted and so sad
Big blue eyes all covered with tears
Was a picture of sorrow to see

Kneeling close to the side
Of his pal and only pride
A little lad, these words he told me

He was such a lovely doggy
And to me he was such fun
But today as we played by the way

A drunken man got mad at him
Because he barked in joy
He beat him and he’s dying here today

Will you call the doctor please
And tell him if he comes right now
He’ll save my precious doggy here he lay

Then he left the fluffy head
But his little dog was dead
Just a shiver and he slowly passed away

He didn’t know his dog had died
So I told him as he cried
Come with me son we’ll get that doctor right away

But when I returned
He had his little pal upon his knee
And the teardrops, they were blinding his big blue eyes

Your too late sir my doggy’s dead
And no one can save him now
But I’ll meet my precious buddy up in the sky

By a tiny narrow grave
Where the willows sadly wave
Are the words so clear you’re sure to find

Little Buddy Rest In Peace
God Will Watch You Thru The Years
Cause I Told You In My Dreams That You
Were Mine


Little Buddy

eftir Hank Snow

Broken hearted and so sad, golden curls all wet with tears,
'twas a picture of sorrow to see.
Kneeling close to the side of his pal and only pride,
A little lad these words he told me.

He was such a lovely doggie and to me he was such fun,
but today as we played by the way
A drunken man got mad at him because he barked in joy,
He beat him and he's dying here today.

Will you call the doctor please and tell him if he comes right now,
he'll save my precious doggie 'cause I'll pray.
Then he stroked the fluffy head but his little pal was dead,
Just a shiver and he slowly passed away.

He didn't know his dog had died, so I told him as he cried
"Come with me son we'll get that doctor right away"
"But I can't leave him here alone, I must get my doggie home
So while you're gone I'll kneel beside him, sir and I'll pray."

But when I returned he had his little pal upon his knee
And the teardrops they were blinding his big blue eyes,
"You're too late, sir my doggie's dead and no help can save him now
But I'll meet my precious Buddy up in the sky."

By a tiny narrow grave, where the willows sadly wave,
are these words on a shingle of pine:
"Little Buddy rest in peace, God will watch you thru' the years,
'Cause I told Him in my prayers that you were mine."


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1 identicon

Žaš sem örvar ķmyndunarafl og draumaheim ungra barna markar spor žeirra alla ęvi. Bod Dylan hefur vęntanlega lęrt žennan söngtexta į unga aldri - 5 įra m.v. tķmasetningarnar sem žś gefur upp. Og žegar hann 16 įra byrjar aš semja ljóš sękir hann ķ minningarheim sinn (lķfsreynsla, sögur, texta) frį unga aldri og semur um žau ljóš. Žetta trślega um sögu / texta sem hefur fangaš 5 įra huga hans og lifaš meš honum ķ minningunni. .... eša hvaš?

gp (IP-tala skrįš) 22.5.2009 kl. 01:55

2 Smįmynd: Svanur Gķsli Žorkelsson

Jafnvel meš afar góšum vilja veršur žessi skżring žķn aš teljast vafasöm žegar viš berum saman svo til samhljóša textanna gp.

Svanur Gķsli Žorkelsson, 22.5.2009 kl. 16:10

3 identicon

Ertu aš misskilja mig viljandi? sagši hśn hįšslega og  

gp (IP-tala skrįš) 22.5.2009 kl. 19:24

4 Smįmynd: Jens Guš

  Bob Dylan hefur frį fyrstu tķš stoliš lögum og textum žvers og kruss.  Žaš er ekkert lįt žar į.  Žetta var alsiša ķ bandarķsku žjóšlaga- og blśssenunni.  Lęrifašir Bobs Dylan,  Woody Guthrie,  gerši śt į žetta ķ stórum stķl.  Hann sagši aš galdurinn viš aš semja vinsęla smelli vęri aš stela góšum söngvum.

Jens Guš, 23.5.2009 kl. 19:24

5 identicon

Aldrei lķkaš žessi gaulari.

Fésiš į honum óhuggulegt,  bar žaš alveg

utanį sér aš hann vęri muggóttur.

Hef aldrei skiliš žessa dżrkun į honum.  Ekki er žaš röddin, žaš er öruggt.

j.a. (IP-tala skrįš) 26.5.2009 kl. 17:56

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